Hello! I’m a writer based in San Francisco.
I’ve reported on tech culture for MIT Tech Review, Fast Company and Esquire. I’ve covered books & TV for Romper, LitHub and Vox.
My short fiction has appeared in the Kenyon Review, Catapult & Pithead Chapel, and has been nominated for Best American Short Stories, Best of the Net & Best Small Fictions. I’m an alum of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop and the In Cahoots residency. I’m writing a novel about AI, art & caregiving.
I currently consult on content strategy & writing/editing projects. Previously, I was a UX designer at places like Google & NerdWallet. I also used to make tiny clay food.
Selected reported essays on tech:
Your boss is watching, MIT Tech Review (Relationships Issue cover story, Mar/Apr 2025)
Is AI the bitter end—or the lucrative future—of book publishing? Esquire (July 2024)
Can Feeld keep up with non-monogamy’s big moment? Fast Company (March 2024)
Can Stanford’s design school teach disruption and ethics at the same time? Fast Company (Dec 2023)
The future of open source is collaborative, complex, and still in flux, MIT Tech Review (Ethics Issue, Sept/Oct 2023)
Design Thinking was supposed to fix the world. What happened? MIT Tech Review (Design Issue, Mar/Apr 2023)
Effective altruism is better off without Sam Bankman-Fried, Slate FutureTense (Nov 2022)
The growing influence of Effective Altruism, MIT Tech Review (Mortality Issue, Nov/Dec 2022)
The Merge is here: Ethereum has switched to proof of stake, MIT Tech Review (Sept 2022)
It’s OK to opt out of the crypto revolution, MIT Tech Review (Money Issue, May/June 2022)
Who benefits as NFTs become more “real,” The Week (March 2022)
NFTs are like Beanie Babies, the blockchain is like a Google Doc, Evil Witches Newsletter (March 2022)
Selected essays on books & TV:
Getting divorced with Miranda July, Romper (2024)
The Changeling brings a genre-bending fable of family to the screen, Literary Hub (2023)
The existential impossibilites of parenting in two new novels, Literary Hub (2023)
How culture drives foul play online in three new books, MIT Tech Review (2023)
The rise of tech worker fiction, Esquire (Summer Fiction 2023)
Black Mirror’s big AI episode has the wrong villain, Vox (2023)
On Fleishman Is In Trouble and the Sex and the City Problem, Literary Hub (2023)
Severance, Severance & the demands of office labor, Electric Lit (2022) ✨Nominated for Best American Essays 2023 ✨
Selected essays on art, work & parenting:
How do you teach a kid to be good at the internet? Romper (2025)
The parents who refuse to track their kids, Romper (2024)
Finding creative inspiration in comedy podcasts, Literary Hub (2022)
Stressed mom summer, Romper (2022)
Tell me things are going to be okay, Gloria (2021)
The zen of tiny clay food, The New York Times (2020)
Q&As & profiles:
Wikimedia’s CTO: In the age of AI, human contributions matter, MIT Technology Review (2024)
AI as Memoir: A conversation with Amy Kurzweil, The Rumpus (2024)
How to help kids thrive while they excel with Jennifer B. Wallace, Romper (2023)
How a slide deck launched an indie comeback with Tanlines, Figma (2023)
The weight of parenthood & queer resistance with Marisa Crane, Electric Lit (2023)
How much do parents know about YouTube with Mark Bergen, Romper (2022)
Mental health stories are family stories with Rachel Aviv, Romper (2022)
Are we ready to talk about the year Covid stole from our kids with Anya Kamenetz, Romper (2022)
Selected opinion essays:
The AI craze is about culture not tech, LA Times (Apr 2023)
Is this the end for crypto’s Wild West? with Poppy Alexander, LA Times (Jan 2023)
How America’s mistrust of institutions birthed the crypto craze, with Poppy Alexander, LA Times (Feb 2022)
The Girlboss is dead. Say hello to the Crypto Queen, Newsweek (February 2022)
Selected short fiction:
Lemon Season, Kenyon Review (2023)
Playscale, Pithead Chapel (2023)
Room 105 at the Ramada on Sundays, Catapult (2022)
Birthing Lessons, Cleaver Magazine (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best American Short Stories 2023 ✨
Selected flash fiction:
New Spring Green, Rejection Letters (2022)
Bodies and bodies of water, Jellyfish Review (2022)
Anglerfish, hex literary (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best of the Net 2023 ✨
Close Encounter, Emerge Literary Journal (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best Small Fictions 2023 ✨
After-Hours Baby, Parenting Stories Gone Speculative Anthology from Alternating Current Press (2022)
Rashes, Peach Mag (2022)
Half-sour, The Racket (2021)
New Moon, Flash Frog Literary (2021)
Everyone in This House Wants to Touch Me, Wigleaf (2021)
The Performer, Barren Magazine (2021)