Writer, Artist, Designer


Hello! I’m a writer based in San Francisco.

I’ve reported on tech culture for MIT Tech Review, Fast Company and Esquire. I’ve covered books & TV for Romper, LitHub and Vox.

My short fiction has appeared in the Kenyon Review, Catapult & Pithead Chapel, and has been nominated for Best American Short Stories, Best of the Net & Best Small Fictions. I’m an alum of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop and the In Cahoots residency. I’m writing a novel about AI, art & caregiving.

I currently consult on content strategy & writing/editing projects. Previously, I was a UX designer at places like Google & NerdWallet. I also used to make tiny clay food.


Selected essays on art, work & parenting:

How do you teach a kid to be good at the internet? Romper (2025)

The parents who refuse to track their kids, Romper (2024)

Finding creative inspiration in comedy podcasts, Literary Hub (2022)

Stressed mom summer, Romper (2022)

Tell me things are going to be okay, Gloria (2021)

The zen of tiny clay food, The New York Times (2020)

Selected short fiction:

Lemon Season, Kenyon Review (2023)

Playscale, Pithead Chapel (2023)

Room 105 at the Ramada on Sundays, Catapult (2022)

Birthing Lessons, Cleaver Magazine (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best American Short Stories 2023

Selected flash fiction:

New Spring Green, Rejection Letters (2022)

Bodies and bodies of water, Jellyfish Review (2022)

Anglerfish, hex literary (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best of the Net 2023

Close Encounter, Emerge Literary Journal (2022) ✨ Nominated for Best Small Fictions 2023

After-Hours Baby, Parenting Stories Gone Speculative Anthology from Alternating Current Press (2022)

Rashes, Peach Mag (2022)

Half-sour, The Racket (2021)

New Moon, Flash Frog Literary (2021)

Everyone in This House Wants to Touch Me, Wigleaf (2021)

The Performer, Barren Magazine (2021)